SERVICES  //  PRE IPO  //  Representative Office

Representative Office

Representative Office Challenges
China is the largest and fastest growing market in the world. But what makes even large firms struggle in China, while trying to explore the opportunity?
• How can your representative office be localized and operate efficiently in a multilingual context?
• How can you quickly focus on your core business?
• Who can help you protect your intellectual property?
• How can current brands successfully be localized?
• Which office equipment suppliers are reliable?
• How should talented Chinese staff be recruited, trained and managed?
• For which roles should own staff be brought over?
• What is the downside of operating without a proper business license?
• Who can help you lower the operating risk?
• How can you temporary access sales, marketing and promotion resources?


On top of these challenges, doing business in China is even more confusing than that! Complex and changing regulations create uncertainty. Administrative and bureaucratic tasks can be quite time-consuming. Finally, with customers in China you need to ask “Do customer understand my sales, marketing and promotional efforts?

Your Solution

MILLERIA provides a localized multilingual program for forming, starting up and administrating representative offices in China. We perform initial efforts so that you can focus on your core business.

 Step  Description
 Early Discussion  As a first step, special needs of your representative office are defined and addressed.
 Find Customers  For representative offices, finding local customers by Advertising, Referrals and by
 Teaming up and Forming alliances gets the job done.  
 Start Networking  Ask who are my best prospects? Where can I meet my best prospects? Who exactly
 do I want to meet? 
 Collect Information  Dive deeper into the marketing strategy and outline local goals and steps needed
 to accomplish them.
 Planning and Launch  Everybody should draft a plan, not only to understand their company better, but also
 to attract key employees, prospect for new business, make deals with suppliers or to
 convey their vision to investors.
Your Benefits

What makes this Representative Office package so special? Look at the benefits it this way:
• Expand your marketing and promotion influence above maximum number of staff
• Our shared call center and design studio guarantees access to international marketing and promotion resources
• Access our local customer and supplier databases
• Use our field workers to collect and translate local business information
• Have field workers perform sales, marketing and promotion activities in each major Chinese city

Make no mistake about it, you need us to collect and prepare business information in Chinese. That's how you can skip ahead and focus on your bottom line.